Pontianak, W Kalimantan, April 6 (Antaranews Kalbar) - Three students from Institute Education (STKIP) of Singkawang had the opportunity to continue their studies at National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Chairman of Singkawang STKIP Andi Mursidi said the three students include Rimalita (Mathematics study program), Aisya Salsabila Utami (Mathematics study program) and Putri Iskawati Waluyan (Indonesian Language study program).
According to Mursidi, this is an international cooperation between STKIP of Singkawang and National University of Kaohsiung (NUK) Taiwan.
"In the 2017/2018 semester, STKIP of Singkawang sent one student, named Nurul Hanifa, to follow the Student Exchange to NUK in Taiwan," he said.
Also, there were six other students selected, who passed the selection process in 2017/2018, which included three students from STKIP of Singkawang, a student from Panca Bhakti University in Pontianak and two students from Narotama University in Surabaya.
The students will be enrolled in the exchange student program based on their study programs for one semester at NUK Taiwan.
This exchange is viewed as a significant opportunity to widen International cooperation.
In addition to attending lectures in English, he added, the students also will have the opportunity to learn Chinese language and cultures, as well as interact with other international students as they lived in the same dormitory.
"We are very grateful to the president of NUK, Prof Leon SL Wang for the opportunity and trust given to STKIP of Singkawang. Hopefully, this cooperation can continue," he added.
On the same occasion, Prof. I-Hsien Ting, Ph.D Dean, Division of International Affairs of NUK, praised the exchange students from Indonesia.
"Indonesian students showed they could adapt quickly and they are very active in the class because they already have good English skills," he remarked.
Reported by Rendra Oxtora/Rudi